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Schmolke – Carbon Flatbar TLO 25.4mm


Made in Germany

These competition-proven carbon flatbars are made with a 180 mm middle section and grip sections which are swept back 6°/9°. Made to suit your weight and riding style from the best prepregs available today, with up to 17 layers of carbon fibre in the middle section (about carbon).

Stems with 25.4 mm clamping diameter including those with four clamping bolts may be used. Our extralight 21 mm carbon plugs are designed to fit these bars.


Our bars may be shortened by up to 10 mm on each side, so please make sure to order the right size for your requirements. Barends cannot be used on these bars! If you are not sure about using barends, you will have to order the SL version which is 30 g heavier! The TLO bars, which do not have the option to fit barends, are not stressed as much as the SL version. This is particularly true in case of a crash. Hence they are stronger than the SL version!


click here for installation manual MTB TLO 25,4 version

Always use a torque tool for installation!

Weight N/A
Width 480 mm, 520 mm, 540 mm, 560 mm, 600 mm, 640 mm,
Rider Weight up to 75 kg, 76 to 95 kg, 96 to 110 kg
9º bending, 6º bending

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